ScotBlog Award for Go Lassie Go!

Total Politics Award for Go Lassie Go!

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I stopped paying my licence fee last year after they did not include the SNP in the leadership debate. If they can do without the First Minister then they can do without my money.

I do expect I will get into trouble and have to be fined but it will give me a slight sense of fighting back and I can afford to indulge myself.

Pathetic response.

I can't see what was reasonable about what either of the panalists said. Ghastly little parliament and ghastly little politicians would not ahve been acceptable if it had been used about Pakistan or Ghana, and the rant for that baroness thingy was unbelievable.

I don't remember Eddie Mair doing any intervening when that was going on.

But that's bent the BBC. I have no idea why we continue to pay a licence fee in Scotland.

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