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« Make sure you back the right Dot.Scot | Main | Scotland and the banking bailout - time for the truth »

July 15, 2011


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Cream of Galloway ice cream is absolutely brilliant, so I'm not surprised you're singing its praises there. I recommend a trip to Glasgow Film Theatre if you're after another wee tub. Scotland has some remarkable produce, and there's nothing I love more than sitting down to a plate of sausages from the latest trip to a local Aberdeenshire butcher.

Coould you think about posting the date and time when you submit an article,Joan,please.I have to wait for someone to comment,and then see their date and time of posting?Then scroll up to the article where the date and time are visible on the original article(if you understand me).Excuse my pedantic aside - no problems with the content,I assure you.

I don't agree in the EU as it is undemocratic and has no idea of what the world's limits are.

Every politician keeps going on about economic growth as if it is everyone's goal even though it is impossible on a finite planet.

Food prices are manipulated by trading on stock markets as just another way for the money men to increase their wealth.

The fishing stocks around the world have been decimated to near collapse by overfishing and the EU are part of the problem not a solution.

Sorry about all the links but people especially politicians need to start using some common sense to were we are heading.

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