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« Stovies | Main | Is this the moment when Labour lost the Scottish election? »

April 12, 2011


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Important article.

Straight and from the hip honesty! Great and to the point piece. SNP need to ram home these points in the days ahead to take on recent poll of polls trend!

The shear lying hypocrisy of the labour bunch defies the logic of even a cursory reading of their past interventions and refusnik antics - who are they kidding - including themselves. Alice in bloody wonderland indeed!

I hope the SNP get this out on leaflets asap.I see it has landed at Blether with Brian. His guardians must have been at a policy briefing or something and missed the landing.

These terrible statistics from labours time in office and the positive difference 4 years of an SNP government and especially Nicola sturgeon has made will be getting repeated throughout my workplace.

I love the internet and how it has helped me to be able to spread a positive message of the effects of having a competent government in charge.

If it wasn't for blogs like yours, newsnet scotland and the like i would be a horribly ignorant to labours horrendous failings and the SNP's positive vision.

Thanks and good luck in Scotland South

Superb piece Joan that deserves the widest possible circulation.

The hospital that had some private services, is Stracathro and not Strathcaro as mentioned, 4 miles north of Brechin, and if you ever need to use it, you will be in good hands.

Excellent article, as ever!

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