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« Lord Forsyth and the Scottish Liberals. Who has more integrity? | Main | Great Balls of Fire, I'm off to Stonehaven »

December 30, 2010


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Well fair dos to the Scotsman for printing so many critical letters of Iain MacMillan in today's paper. I think he has undermined his own position by being so blatantly politically partisan. Along with that other Scotsman regular, Alexander Mackay, I suspect they are more use to 'us' than unionists.

I've hesitated from posting a comment to your site for fear of getting a tongue lashing - its the red hair maybe. Worse, now I might even be given a report card!
First rate response to Mr McMillan

Going by his latest letter in both this morning’s Herald & Scotsman it is a good job Iain McMillan represents few folk other than himself rather than real Scottish businesses. Just what kind of hermetically sealed bubble does McMillan live in?
To state that, ‘There is no proven positive correlation between the extent of a country’s fiscal powers and its degree of economic success’ is utterly perverse. Is McMillan seriously arguing that economic policy can have no impact on growth?
And as for McMillan’s assertion that the Scottish parliament already possesses ‘extensive economic policies’, if he was a serious player and not a dilettante the man would be laughed out of town.
There again, perhaps he would fit nicely between Ian Gray & Andy Kerr as a shadow economic spokesperson.


Great comment. If I can vote for you - as a list candidate - I certainly will.


I regularly link to Newsnet Scotland - here, at the Steamie and to my many Twitter and facebook followers.

Good article Joan!

What about an article covering Newsnet Scotland?

Bearsden Academy has been knocked down and replaced by a PPP equivalent.

So when you say "his old school", I'm not sure he, or any member of the public, can claim ownership of a school rented from a company.

Profit before people you say?

He's just the 'tea boy'.

Iain McMillan should resign for making such a blantant partisan political attack. Will he do the decent thing and step down? He has made himself look a complete 'dunce' with this.

Yes Iain, let's have you down at the front of the class where we can see you and bring your books, you'll be here a while.

What a good slap down of pompous unionist McMillan.

A comment from him about the SNP is as wearily predictable as some gloomy statistics from Prof. John Curtice, a pro British rant from Jenny Hjul, some sport'n'murdurr on Reporting Jockland or Brian Taylor hailing yet another "confident" performance by Iain Gray.

Like all unionists in Scotland his status and importance are ludicrously exaggerated by a pliant media.
If his understanding of business models is such that he thinks the Calman dog's breakfast will benefit Scotland financially, then on my own report card for him I would add the charge of "economically illiterate" to "knee jerk unionist rentagob".

McMillan is lying when he claims to speak for Scottish businesses. He speaks at most for a few of those businesses that are members of the CBI, and don't forget what the B stands for in CBI.

I have a business and McMillan certainly doesn't speak for me. I am Spartacus...

10/10 for Joan McAlpine! It's just a pity this hypocrite Iain McMillan won't be pilloried in the Scottish (joke) press. He is obviously a unionist lackey who is after a decoration for his services to the union.

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