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« Torture, The President and Prestwick | Main | Let's stop being so smug about Ireland »

November 18, 2010


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I noticed the resident army of Jock bashers was unleashed as usual on Cif. It's funny how the Mail and Telegraph are usually cited as examples of rampant and ignorant Scotophobia when the good old liberal lefty Grauniad is usually much more of a hate fest when the word Scotland pops up.

Some days I worry that they may hate us more than they hate the French......

~Thanks for pointing out that mistake which is now corrected. It was simply done in a rush.Note to self - double check all mills and bills from now on

Another excellent article. Though "They account for a fifth of all UK corporation tax - £6.4m in 2009 " Should be Billions not millions...

I would like to add that industry headquartered in London completely skews the employment market in sectors that are strong in Scotland. The Oil sector creates a lot of employment in Scotland - but also in the overpopulated South East UK and where Government policy is made - London.

Having core industry offices centred in Scotland (with Scotland being an energy economy) would create a large inward migration of skilled workers which would also attract inward investment.

However, imo, for this to really work Fiscal control is not enough. Energy policy would still be reserved. Energy policy control is what is also required, which we would not achieve without independence.

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