He's been dead a few years now, but Matt McGinn seems to have written a song for every Scottish occasion. How appropriate is the above the week Scotland's beleaguered football referees announce a strike that could mean no games next weekend? You can hear/buy more from Matt on the website http://mattmcginn.info. The man was a legend and we should keep his work alive. I will reserve judgement on the subject of referees, right or wrong. I did think that Pete Wishart MP's suggestion that they should be forced to declare their allegience would end all the accusations, paranoid or otherwise, for good. Pat Kane has an interesting piece in The Caledonian Mercury given that he is a Celtic fan "from the cradle."
Hi Joan
Great to hear the Matt McGinn song from 1966, it's like it was written just for the refs in 2010. Too bad our main stream media never used the song during the refs strike week-Matt was a genius. Well done!
Posted by: Alexander Campbell | December 09, 2010 at 01:29 PM
I like football but follow and English team because of the baggage that goes with the game in the west of Scotland. I have to say however that George Peat's comments on the main news midweek about this business were shocking. This man, representing the SFA, utterly failed to mention one particular referee who publicly ADMITTED to LYING about a decision made during a particular match and to persuading a second official to lie also! That this referee remained in a job with the SFA is the real shocker here. And Peat dares to utter the word integrity? How can he call for integrity from others when the referee in this case clearly is untrustworthy.
If anything Peat's whole approach midweek simply added fuel to the flames. There was no doubt who he was having a go at. In his position impartiality must be absolutely evident. It was certainly not evident here. He must answer publicly one question: is he or is he not willing to employ any match official who will lie about decisions made during football matches?
Incidentally I think it is highly possible that match officials make mistakes. Even at the highest level - the world cup - howlers by referrees are well documented. Football should be hauled into the 21st century and referees would be supported by the introduction of technology. Rugby has it, tennis has it and various other sports too. It is time such technology arrived on the football pitch.
Posted by: Jo | November 26, 2010 at 11:17 PM
Is it true that these top grade refs all go to the same club where they interfere with goats and wear aprons, bowlers and sashes whilst stamping their feet and baying loudly, we should be told?
Not all theories are a conspiracy you know?
Surely the position of a ref who posts imagery suggesting the pope is a child molester is untenable?
Surely the position of a ref who tells lies and tries to cover these lies up is untenable?
Mr Peats appearance and remarks on STV news this evening has only served to increase the aggro, his manner was confrontational, unpleasant sarcastic and very aggressive. He should also consider his position.
The best way forward is for all the senior clubs to meet and tell the SFA Blazers to get lost, and stop the gravy train, and organise them selves.
Posted by: KBW | November 22, 2010 at 08:02 PM
Too much money involved in all sports nowadays which has led themselves open to possible corruption.
Posted by: cynicalHighlander | November 22, 2010 at 06:11 PM
Support yir local club. Albion Rovers.
Posted by: el el | November 22, 2010 at 04:42 PM