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« Cal Williams 1960 - 2010 | Main | Sturgeon's unlikely ally »

August 06, 2010


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"Now why can't we do that? "

We can't do that because Westminster would have to do it, we don't have the power.

The problem for Westminster is that if the oil is included then Scotland will almost certainly be economically viable as an independent country.

It's a bit of a cleft stick for unionists. The current story is that Scotland could not survive economically without England but then again they have to show that the Union benefits Scotland.

We have to be shown to be poor but not too poor. A sort of genteel poverty funded by England. Genuine economic figures might make that a difficult story to maintain.

Why can't we do that indeed. The mismanagement of the UK means Westminster needs Scotland's oil - making independence for our nation all the more harder to attain. But not impossible...

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