ScotBlog Award for Go Lassie Go!

Total Politics Award for Go Lassie Go!

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« Spot the deliberate mistake above Edinburgh Castle | Main | Libya, Lockerbie and lobbying: An Idiots' Guide »

July 21, 2010


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Unfortunately Dave, it hasn't and it won't (backfire). The media determines what the masses believe and the media in Scotland will just continue to spew trash at us.

This has backfired spectacularly and any "respect" Cameron thoogh he might be engendering in Scotland has just flown put the window.
What we need now is a full, independent enquiry facilitated and supported by the Scottish Government.

Joan, well done. Who was that twat you were on with?

I heard Morag. I certainly wouldn't want her tanks on my lawn!

Well said Joan. I still can't actually believe that oily posh boy Dave did that. He can take his respect agenda and stick it where the sun don't shine.

You did very well on Jeremy Vine although I confess you were slightly eclipsed by the brilliant Morag from Dundee, who even as Vine was trying to cut her off was shouting "get your tanks off my lawn!"

I say get Morag on Newsnight Scotland, Gordon Brewer's hair gel would melt in the heat.

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