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« Time to look again at Scotland's Oil | Main | If Scotland was like Switzerland, we'd know where we stood »

July 30, 2010


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Now I know why you felt distant. I am now in a place I love waiting for the people I love. Sitting here with a pint of Ginger Tosser (don’t ask) reminiscing with an old friend of some 38 years since I first came to this place on my honeymoon. Another old friend – a fisherman – has passed away and my friend and I are laughing about the time some 25 years ago when some ill-behaved Hells Angels rode loudly into the village when we were having a party on the Cleave. They were abusive and made the first of many social errors by chatting up a fisherman’s woman. One of there bikes ended up over the sea wall into the bay and they left soon afterwards. Don’t ever mess with fishermen. Memories are for reliving.

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