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« Goodbye to all that | Main | You're wrong Yousuf »

June 16, 2010


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Glad you're back in work Joan but I couldn't bring myself to read the Scotsman given its failure to remain politically impartial. The Herald has followed, sadly, so I no longer have anything to do with that either although its Letters are still worth a read. Good luck anyway.

Hi Joan,

Sorry for coming to the party so late on.

Congrats on the new post, but I regret to say that I will not be buying the paper or taking an on-line subscription because of their anti-SNP attitude. And you can tell them that. It might have more force coming from you because they obviously pay no attention to readers' correspondence.

I used to buy the Herald, many moons ago and stopped buying it for their, at that time, outrageously biased support of the Tories and anti-SNP stance. I then went onto the Scotsman (Yes I know, a Weegie buying and Edinburgh paper!) and then they started the same sort of anti-SNP nonsense also. So I stopped buying that too, and now rely for the TV and internet to stay informed. (Please note not from either the Herald or Scotsman sites).

Sorry for the rant. Best of luck.


Guid luck in yer new job.Is there hope for the Scotsman? I'd like to think so...but I turned blue a lang time ago.
Lips, no' nose.

PS, ye mispelt ma blog :¬)

Hi Joan,
Is it a daily column or certain days? If it isn't daily then it could be worthwhile for us to purchase the rag on those days you are contributing to spell it out to them that there is money in telling the truth.
Once the word spread around they could see a decent increase on sales on those specific days, money talks and all the jazz.

Joan, There is hope for the Scotsman yet. I dropped my online subscription when I realised how biased they were leading up to the 2007 Holyrood election. I am now minded to give them a second chance

Delighted for you on a personal level Joan, but The Scotsman has become little more than a Labour mouthpiece, a disgrace to a paper that still has pretensions regarding its status as a national newspaper of record.

Along with thousands of other folk I haven't bought the paper for years & will not be going back so long as the Scotsman continues on its present path.

Good to see you back so soon. I just hope that the Scotsman's editorial.. erm... style, doesn't put a crimp in yours.

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